Free Books Are the Best Books

They really, really are. When you get a free book, you don't have to weigh the money spent on it against the content. You can read it free of buyer's remorse. Maybe it's a dud, but you haven't lost any cash on finding that out. Maybe it's just what you needed, and you didn't have to waste a penny in discovering it!

So, if you've been unsure about spending money on my quirky-and-queer superhero novel, Necessaries, now is the time to do it. Why? 

Because it's free to download on Amazon this week! All the way to Friday, December 23rd!  

Even if you don't think you have time right now to read it, you may as well download it this week, while it's free, so you can check it out in the future. It doesn't take up much space, and every download helps my Amazon rank!

Click here to download Necessaries from Amazon! FOR FREEEEE!

And, of course, if you like the book, I'd love to hear back from you once you've read it! Heck, if you didn't like it, I'd still love feedback! It's my first foray into novel-writing, and I want to keep improving my craft. Leaving a review on Amazon does WONDERS for my sales and downloads. I mean, have you ever bought something on Amazon without glancing at the reviews first? Even lower ratings are beneficial, because it shows folks are reading and responding to the story. If you can, please throw some stars are me and tell me what you think!

(This entry was originally meant to be published on Monday, so it's a little, ehm, belated. SquareSpace was having some trouble with links. But the deal is still on! In fact, I have some updates. I'm officially at the top of a bestseller list!!! I mean, it's a very specific subgenre, but I'll take it.)