Audiobook Edition of Necessaries Available Now!

I was going to try to do some kind of April Fools stunt related to making an audiobook... but then I actually made the audiobook. Well, a first chapter. A very amateur first chapter... but one with music and intro/outro tags and half-decent editing. Yeah... I have a long way to go, and I still gotta figure out how to do Lucy's voice. But it's a thing! A fun little thing!

OK, I know you're waiting for the Rick Roll. Dude, that was so, um, however many years ago that was. Stop being so paranoid.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of audiobooks and podiobooks. I listen to free podiobooks when I exercise or draw or when I'm doing monotonous work. They're a great way of reading when you don't actually have the time to read. If there are other folks like me out there who prefer their books read to them (even by an amateur like me), maybe I'll release more episodes. 

Let me know if this is something you want more of in the future. If enough people are interested, I'll continue recording and releasing chapters as a free weekly podcast. So tell me if you're interested!

By the way, the theme music for this episode is "Waking Up (Instrumental)" by Dexter Britain. Go check him out!