Kinda Campy

I didn't know this was a thing, but it turns out, this thing is totally a thing.

What thing? Camp NaNoWriMo!

I'm cheerchime on NaNo sites (so come say hi to me and be my buddy!!!!!)

I'm cheerchime on NaNo sites (so come say hi to me and be my buddy!!!!!)

If you're familiar with me, you're probably familiar with National Novel Writing Month, AKA, NaNoWriMo. It takes place in November and it challenges participants to write a novel in a month (50,000 words worth, to be precise). 

I just learned about Camp NaNoWriMo, which takes place in April. It's like a nano-NaNo (haha, get it? Nano, like tiny? I'm sorry.). You set your own goals, which is nice, because a full 50,000 words is NOT gonna happen for me this month. You also get placed in a virtual cabin of writing mates, which is adorable. The folks in my cabin are already introducing themselves and their projects, which include editing short story collections, finishing a novel started last November, and writing an online course.

This month, I'm going to try to write 10,000 words for Resolution. It's a low goal, but it's more than I've written for the story so far. I'm also taking a very important financial planning course, so I don't want to overextend myself and jeopardize my studies!

So, if you have any kind of writing project you're working on, you should give Camp NaNoWriMo a shot! It can be as big or as small a challenge as you'd like it to be. If you decide to do it, let me know, and we can cheer each other on! 

Happy writing, everyone!